Customer Support: +(30) 210 4293431
Fax: +(30) 210 4293501
Wednesday 15, January, 2025
    N. Continent-Med-Black Sea-N. Continent
    Europe - Africa - Australia
    Europe - Far East
    Europe - Middle East - Far East
    Europe - USEC
    Far East - Europe
    Far East - Oceania
    Far East - South America
    Far East - USEC
    USEC - Africa - Far East
    Intra Mediterranean - Black Sea
    USEC - Europe -Middle East- Far East

With the access we have to the car carrier industry we are able to ship on world wide trades cargoes while offering our customers the level of safety they require and qualitative cargo handling through out the shipping chain. Thousands of vehicles are moved under our arrangements both on deep sea routes as well on short sea trades.

We are pleased to be able to support our customers with direct and real time information flow in order to keep track of their cargoes at all time that is under our responsibility.

Live 3D view from Greek Ports