Damage provision
We have the capacity to taylor our services according to shippping lines cargo handling manual. We comply with each shipping line requirements so that we secure that zero remarks will be achieved during the cargo handling as well as we take inovatinve actions to further safe guard the smooth cargo handling on behalf of the shiping lines and their customers. Making safe passages for the vehicles, taxi, busses and controling the flow at inner ramps and stern/side ramp is only part of the measures taken to offer qualitative level of service. In addition we have introduced the scoring card so that the shipipng lines can check for each and every operation the quality we offer to each vessel operation. As from year 2006 we are attending on annual basis the Nissan Motors Car Carriers 'Cargo Damage Prevention Meetings', producing valuable information on cargo damage prevention activies that could apply to ports in order to safeguard the 0% damages in cargo operations. Back |